Wednesday, July 22, 2020

"For God so love the world, that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have an everlasting life. John 3:16"

God's love is inexhaustible in such a way that is open to everyone who freely embraces it. God can forgive the worst of all sin on the basis of love. Love is not free, it involve sacrifices. One of the such sacrifices is given. According to the scripture; the story of the prodigal son support this fact. The righteous man had to killed the best of  his cattle to proof his love for his younger son. (Luke 15:11-24).

The most high God, the God who created the whole universe, gave His only begotten son to proof His love for humanity. This lesson aim at analyzing the various ways God proof His love for humanity.

God’s love is priceless: (Isaiah 53:1-12)

As part of God’s plan to redeem man from the mess (trouble, danger, the falling state of man; complete separation from God) caused by disobedience when Adam sinned against God, He gave out His best to redeem man.

The scripture reveal that it pleases God to Offer Jesus as a sacrifice for our sin. (Isaiah 53:10). And that whenever the blood of Jesus is offer for sin, the most High God accept the offer and pardon every known and unknown sin.

Why is God’s love is incomparable ?

 God’s love is incomparable because; firstly, it is divine: The blood of Jesus is a supernatural blood. It’s different from the blood of a man and that of an animal. The blood of Jesus is so powerful that it can (clean) wash away every known and unknown sins (Heb. 7:25)

Secondly ; it’s eternal. The love of God for humanity does not end in this planet earth; it proceed into eternity. Even after rapture God’s love for man will still remain inexhaustible.

God’s love is impartial: (Mark 16:15-16, Titus 2:11-14)

God’s love is not restricted to a certain group of people, tribe or nation. It is opened to as many that embraces it.

Every living soul on earth is a descendant of Adam, the first man on earth. God’s love for humanity beclip all the descendant of Adam. Although Jesus came from the offspring of Abraham, that does not mean that salvation, the proof of God’s love for humanity is restricted to the Jews only. God will not withhold salvation from any one because he is not  a Jew.

Salvation is for all. It’s open to as many that believe; there is neither Jews or Gentiles, male or female or individual differences as regarding the love of God for humanity. (Gal. 3:28, Col. 3:11).  

If God’s love is impartial, why will sinner be Judge..?

For God so love the world that he gave His Only begotten son that whosoever………………… (John 3:16).

Whosoever here means  anybody. God’s love is not restricted to any group of people or tribe; His love  is for every living soul. The fact still remain that God does not compel any one to do His will or force any one to accept His love. Man is a free will agent, man can decide either to accept the love offered or to reject it. It is only those who reject the love of God that will face the wrath of God.

God’s love is eternal (Eph. 1:4-5, I Peter 1: 18-21)

Our salvation; the proof of God’s love for humanity was planned even before the foundation of the world. This show that God love man even before man fell, and after the fall of man, His love for man remain inexhaustible.

According to Eph. 1:5, is that some people are predestined to go heaven while others to hell?

Nobody is predestined to go to hell neither those who will make it to heaven is restricted to one community, tribe, ethnic group or nation. The word “ predestined” means to be foreordained or forecast. The salvation of man, was planned before the foundation of the world, according to Eph. 1:4. In eternity past, God held a conference with  the trinity and in this conference God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy.

Ghost plan the salvation of mankind and established a pattern that whosoever accept His love (grace) will be with Him in eternity. Apostle Paul was right when he said he had chosen us in Christ to be with Him in eternity, that means only those in Christ are predestined to be with Him in eternity. Paul was not saying that some people are predestined to go to heaven whether they believe in Christ or not nor some are predestined to go to hell whether they believe in Christ or not.


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