Saturday, February 5, 2022

 But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. John 1:12. Kj version. 

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The above scripture revealed to us God's  willingness to save humanity. His perfect will is that all should be saved and enjoy total freedom. My friend, God is calling you as a father that you may know how much He loves you. He wants you to enjoy total freedom only Him can give. 

Come to think of this, you are God beloved child, He framed you in His image and likeness. Your existence on Earth is not by accidents. You are the crown of His creation ( Gen. 1:27), the apple of His eyes, you are God's own treasured possession. Indeed, you were fearfully and wonderfully made. 

God's perfect plan for you is to bless you and give you a future filled with hope: a future of success, and prosperity. He is willing to give you dominion over all the earth and make you take charge of everything He had created. God desire to establish you and show you marvelous things greater than what you could ever imagine. (Jen. 32:41). 

The only way to enjoy this privilege is to come in oneness with God i.e. to be transformed from the old man to the new man in Christ Jesus. It's only in Christ Jesus you can have this total freedom. 

Every time you go into sin, you create a wedge between God and yourself. You gives room for satan to have dominion, carry out his evil deals. God  is calling you to turn from that sinful way and come back to Him. 

He is committed to forgiving you of your sins and blot it out. " Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow ; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.... Isaiah 1: 18. He cares for you and wants to heal your broken heart and heal your wounded spirit.

If you wants to give you life to Jesus pray this prayer. " My heavenly Father, I am sorry for every wrong and evil deals I have ever committed, have mercy on me, take my name from the books of death and place it on the the single book of Life. Use the precious blood of Jesus to cleans me from all sins and make me whole again amen. Congratulation you are now a new man in Christ Jesus. 

For more information about your spiritual welfare feel free to reach me through the contact form on the this web page. God bless you!


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