Tuesday, February 23, 2021

 God's plan of redemption accomplished. 

Texts:  Eph. 1:3-5, Ish. 14:12-15, Eze 28: 12-15, Gen. 1:1-2. 
Before God Almighty created the physical being He firstly created the spiritual being. Before Adam was created, angels had been in existence. 

There are numerous angels created by God, and He created some so powerful to have Dominion over others. I.e He made some leaders over others. ( The Acrh Angels) .  One of the arch angel Lucifer rebel against God, and he was cast down to hell (the side of the pit). (Isaiah 14:12-15).  

Before the fall of Lucifer, he had the power to rule the Earth and the being that was existing before on  planet Earth. He was able to convinced his subject and they rebel against God, and God was angry with Lucifer and the pre- Adamic race and everything on Earth were destroyed. 

In eternity past, where time has not began, God the Father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit held a conference and  decided to create man in His own image. Man was created in God's image and likeness. God handled the Dominion rule this Earth to the first man on Earth, i.e Adam. Lucifer was angry and plan to take over the Dominion from Adam. He succeeded  when Adam disobeyed God and Lucifer took over the dominion to rule the Earth and everything on it. 

God's  plan of redemption began when He decided to send the Second Adam which is  Jesus Christ ( Eph. 1:3-5, Hebrew 10: 4-10) to take over the dominion i.e the power
to rule this planet Earth from Satan. Satan try to stopped the saviour at a tender age but he failed.

At the cross , Christ said " it is finished" this means God plan of redemption has been accomplished. He came to die for the sin of mankind and took over the dominion from Satan ( Matthew 28:18) and handed it over the church. ( Luke 10: 19).  Thank God , the dominion is in the body of Christ.

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