Wednesday, October 27, 2021

 Good day everyone, our God is a faithful God, here is a true life story of  JUANITA HEADLEY. 


“Bang, click, slide" were the sounds of the jail cell door being locked and bolted.

Contrary to my title of attorney it wasn't business as usual, because instead of me being stood on the outside of the bars looking in, this time I was the one on the inside looking out.

I felt like a caged animal at the zoo at the complete mercy of the police. This was definitely not what I had signed up for and I wanted to call it quits. It wasn’t fun anymore, and truth be told it was never fun to begin with.

This was not some kind of social research project for a new article that I was working on. This was my reality after being dragged out of bed by the police and bought before the Serious Offences Court Judge in my pyjamas.

In the absence of my legal counsel, when the decision was ruled in favour of the prosecution I was immediately hauled off to jail.

When one considers that I am a human rights advocate it was rather disconcerting that I became the victim of countless human rights breaches. However, in saying that I understood that every Christian had their cross to bear and this was simply my calling (Luke 9:23).

1 Corinthians 10:13B has always been my favourite scripture. The words that, “...God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear,” served as a constant reminder to me that I had the strength to get through whatever adversity I faced.

Despite this truth, I am ashamed to confess that it was only a matter of weeks earlier that I had asked God to take my life. It felt at the time as though I had reached rock bottom, that my good deeds had been in vain. I did not want to continue living or so I thought.

Looking back, things really weren't that bad. I had my life, liberty, free will and ability to choose. That night I chose life, I chose resilience and I chose Godly obedience.

Just as Paul and Silas were thrown into prison (Acts 16), so was I, but not for my faith. That did not however, diminish the fact of my innocence, because just as Revelation 2:10 says, “...the devil will put some of you into prison to test you,” I was most definitely being tested.

The question is, did I pass that test?

I believe that I did when the only complaint the police had about me was when I sang continuously for 5 hours.

There is so much power in worship, and just like Paul and Silas before me I sang every day of my incarceration.

When God literally gave me an Acts 16:35-37 prison break I promised Him I would NEVER threaten to take my life again. Just as He promised to never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5) I am convinced that He was right there beside me in that Questelles jail cell.


Friday, October 1, 2021


_* thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.*_ *Psalms 16:11*

 ```The most important thing that a Christian must always be conscious of is the presence of Christ in his or her life. Christ in us is what makes us who we are. Not just having the life of God in our spirit, but having the very presence of God living in and within us, through the habitation of God's Spirit of our bodies. God's presence in us is what matters most, more than anything in the world, and God wants us to enjoy Him daily, to enjoy His presence in and within us. To enjoy the serenity and peace, the love and joy that His presence brings to us.``` 

 _God's presence in us is what makes all the difference. It is a mark of honour to us. It elevates us to a place of honour and glory. God's presence in and within us is for our daily enjoyment, to explore the ambience, grandeur and fragrance of God. To revel in the beauty of His holiness and to bask in the eternal pleasure that His presence brings. God with us is the best thing that has ever happened in human history. The sweetness of God's loving presence is for us to enjoy daily. The Holy Spirit within us wants us to experience God and enjoy Him daily. When you spend time with God's Spirit in worship, the fullness of joy that is in His presence is made available to us. No wonder we get so excited when we have corporate worship in churches_ .

 ```But, you see, God's intention is not just for us to enjoy the pleasure and joy of His presence from corporate worship in church, He wants us to enjoy it personally, everyday. This is why personal time of worship, reverencing God and just enjoying His presence is important. The same joy and pleasure you get from corporate worship, you will also get from personal worship. But this time, it becomes more intimate. You've got all of God to enjoy yourself. Guess what. This is the craving of God Himself. He longs for this kind of worship, He wants to get so intimate with you and just literally hold you in His embrace and whisper sweet words to you. Wouldn't you rather enjoy God every day?```


*Create time to enjoy God in pure heartfelt worship. Don't make any requests, just worship God.

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