The glory of God is the physical demonstration of God's power , presence and majesty. It is the invisible qualities , character and attributes of God displayed in a visible way. The glory of God is the eternity attributes of God shown in time and space.
When Moses was in Mount Sinai speaking with the I AM, he pleaded for God to show him His glory. ' And God said I will make all my goodness to pass before you and will proclaim my name before you...... Exodus 33:18-19. Moses saw the back of God, and was able to write down what had happened even before he was borned. Here again, the eternity attributes of God is being displayed in time and space. He saw eternity past. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, Gen. 1:1, the earth was void and without shape..... verse 2.
The glory of God reflect who He is. His glory is shown in His presence. Jesus is the radiance of God's glory. The more of Him (God) in us, the higher the realm of glory we experienced in our lives. In short, more of Jesus in us , the greater the glory of God in our lives.
To experience God's glory, we most do the following daily.
- Pray for God to reveal Himself to you: It is important to know God first before seeing His glory. In the process of seeking to know God , His glory will be reveal to you. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..... Matthew 6: 33.
- Regular fellowship: fellowship with God bring us closer to Him. The more of His word in us, the more we become like Him. fellowshiping with God through His word, constant prayer, constant worship draw us closer to God.