Sunday, March 12, 2023

 He that dwells in God's secret place shall abide under the shadows.... Ps 91.

The above scripture reveal the benefits of dwelling in God's presence. God's presence give us maximum protection every day, in His presence we have all our spiritual and physical needs being met. Apart from these blessings we gain by dwelling in God's presence, there is something mysterious about the presence of God.  God's presence transform us into His image. Jesus was transfigured into another realm of glory in the mount of transfiguration by dwelling in God's presence.  Matthew 17 : 1-9. Moses pray to know God's glory and his containance changed. And he saw things that have happened in the past...... God's presence should be what we most seek after every blessed day. 


As believers or a church there are  things you must do every day to enable you or the ministry  be a carrier of God's presence. Let start with the church. For any ministry to enjoy the benefits of God's presence, these factors must be present.

  • There must be oneness or unity: 'That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God..... Romans 15: 6. Unity in the church attract God's presence. The church were unity thrive, God's presence thrive too. Apostle Paul admonish the Ephesus that they should keep the unity of the church. 'Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Eph. 4:3. The bible is referring to the unity of the church, this will always attract God's presence. And the benefits of dwelling in God's presence is attainable.
  • Love: God is love, where love is, there God is.  I John 4: 16.  Any church that lack love , God's presence always elude such ministry. The book of 1 Cor. 13 explain what love really is. 
Has believers in Christ, the foundation you need to lay down to be a carrier of God's presence is desiring to know Him . You become a carrier of God's presence when you desire to know him by praying for God to reveal Himself to you. This is the primary purpose of prayer. Moses pray to see God's glory and he saw eternity past. Apostle Paul pray to know Him and the power of His resurrection. Spent quality time with God, pray for God to reveal Himself to you and His presence will follow you every where you go.


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