Sunday, May 29, 2022

 Revelation chapter 6 contains 17 verses and each verse describe the content of the scroll with the seven seals. These period is refer to as the seven years of tribulation. There is a question i want to discuss here; 


The book revelation chapter 2 and 3 revealed the church age,  4 and 5 shows God's kingdom, nothing was said about the church  still chapter 19. i think revelation 3:10 answer the question " Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you.  from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world" Jesus said in the above scripture that He will keep the church during the tribulation period. how is He going to do that ? although not mention in the bible, i believe He will keep (preserved, secured) the church through rapture. The church will not be on earth during the tribulation period.  

When Jesus open the first seal, a white house with a rider that have a bow on his hand and a crown on his head was seen by John the divine. who is the white house rider? some believers believe Jesus is the white house rider because He is riding on a white house wish signify peace and dominion. The statement below does not signify that, the white house rider is not Jesus, but the Anti- Christ who will disguise himself as someone that brings peace to the world trying to unit the world through one religion, all the region of the world will emerge as one, but half his reign he will definitely destroyed mankind.

When Jesus open the second seal, a red house with a rider also was revealed to John, the red house signify war. There will be a great war in the end time that will reduce the population of the world. 

When Jesus open the third seal,  a black house came up also with a rider. The black house signify world economy. There will be economic collapse in the end time. great famine will invade the earth as a result many will die of hunger.

when Jesus open the fourth seal, a pale house came up with its own rider, the name of the house rider was death. death will invade the earth and fourth part of the earth will be kill by death. 

 when Jesus open the fifth seal, many souls that was murdered for their faith will ask God how long will it take for God to avenge their blood on them that dwell on the earth . Who are these souls, if the church will not be on earth during the tribulation period, then how come some souls will still asking for vengeance ?

i think these are souls that missed rapture, who because of the knowledge of the word that they had, refuse to bow to the anti-christ and they will be killed for their faith. 

When Jesus open the sixth seal, there was great earthquake; the sun became black and the moon became red as blood.

My beloved brethren, Jesus is coming back very soon, the purpose of this message to motivate you to preach the gospel to the unsaved souls in your environs. thanks for reading this articles. detail explanation of chapter seven will be out very soon.




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