Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Occupy Till He Returns.

Text: Luke 12: 17 “And he said unto him, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities”.

In the Gospel of Luke 19 Jesus essentially said that we are to remain occupied in working hard for His Kingdom until He return.  In the parable, Jesus Christ likens Himself to a nobleman that went into a far country to retrieve for Himself a Kingdom and then return.

Jesus’s explicit instruction was that His disciple (believers) should be occupy with work of the Gospel/Kingdom work till He comes, and He expected us to make use of the money He gave to us to trade with; according to our ability.

Jesus gave talents to the first disciples and asked them to occupy till He expected us to make use of the money He gave to us to trade with; according to our ability.

Jesus gave talents to some of His disciples and asked them to occupy till He returns, and when He did returned, having received the Kingdom, He ordered these disciples to whom He had given talents to be called to Him, that he might know what they had gained by doing business activities according to their abilities,  some of the disciples were faithful and gain more talents and they were rewarded according to their ability . But there was a particular disciple who did nothing with the money given Him, He kept the talents without utilizing it, and he rewarded also for his attitude. What is the talent God has given  to you, use it to expand the Kingdom for the time is very near.  Don’t be like the disciple who kept his talent without utilizing it.

Jesus Christ right now is in Heaven seated at the Right Hand of God interceding for you and me; and by His instruction “ Occupy till I returns” we should be focus, patient and continue working hard with the talents He has given us.  Wining souls as He commissioned us in the gospel of Matt. 28: 19  “ Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creatures..ff.” and at the end when Jesus shall come back again, He will meet us doing what He instructed us to do, and He will reward us according to our works

PRAYER: Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your Faithful people; that richly bearing the fruit of good works, they may by you be richly rewarded; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.



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