Monday, June 3, 2024


Building up yourself on your most holy faith.

Texts: Jude 1: 20.

“ But ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost Jude 1:20”.

At the point of salvation faith is given (begins) as a seed to all believers. “ A sower want out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell some fell upon a rock…………………….. The seed is the word of God. Luke 8:5-11 kjv”

The above scripture revealed that the seed is the word of God. The basis for the Christian faith is the word of God. The bible also disclosed that faith comes by hearing the word of God. The measure of faith depends on the level at which Christians meditate on God’s word.  The measure of faith varies for all believers. It’s directly proportionate to the level of God’s word that have taken roots in the believers’ life. In Luke 8: 5-11 the seed, which is the word of God is planted in different ground. It’s only those on a fertile ground that will produced fruits.

What makes a believer heart a fertile ground is what Jude the divine revealed in the bible. Jude the divine is revealing a mystery to all believers in his statement “building up yourself on your most holy faith” There’s a different between building up your faith and building up yourself on your most holy faith.  Your faith is called holy because it is sacred, it is sacred because you belief on the finish work of the cross i.e salvation obtained by grace.

In essences, what Jude the divine meant in his statement “building up yourself on your most holy faith” is that there is something you most do for the word of God to have roots in your spirit. Anytime you study the word of God you must build up yourself on it by meditating on it and praying in the Holy Ghost. It’s the Holy Spirit that knows the things in the mind of God at any time. The purpose of God’s word is to transform you into His image, so you need to buildup yourself on God’s word by praying in the spirit. When you pray in tongues your spirit prays.

In conclusion, when you study God’s word, for the word to have root in your spirit , you must buildup yourself on it with prayer, most effectively by speaking in tongues.

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