Sunday, May 12, 2024

 Sanctification is a necessary factor that brings down the power of God.

Sanctification literally means "to set apart for special purpose" that is, to make holy or sacred. "Therefore, if  anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work 2 Timothy 2:21 "

Sanctification is the stage of being separated from the world and be separated unto God for a special purpose. It is the process of perfecting God's holiness in your spirit, soul and body so that you can become a vessel unto honour. Any man God uses as a vessel, must be a man of pure heart. Any man God commit Himself to, must be a man that have the fear of God and loves righteousness!

To become a vessel unto honor is not a chance but a choice! God is looking for men who will make such decision. Sanctification gives you victory over sin and guarantee answered prayers; it is the bridge between your prayers and the answers. Sanctification strengthen your intimacy with God. Amos 3:7 'Can two work together except they agreed.'The more you are closer to God, the more you will be endued with power from above. Sanctification attracts the power of God !


Righteousness is the state of being declares free from sin by God through the finish work of the cross. It is an attribute of God, and no man can achieve perfect righteousness by himself. Righteousness is a free gift from God which defines our right standing with God. 

Sanctification is the state of being pure and reverse for a special purpose. Everyone God uses must be sanctified. Sanctification can be classify into three categories; 

Definitive: At salvation there is a level of sanctification given to all believers. This level of sanctification depends completely on the finish work of the cross. Sanctification at this level is purely the product of mercy and grace. 

Progressive: Sanctification is also progressive. This active growth proceeds from the life we live by faith in Christ, we grow in grace by increasing our knowledge of Him and being transform into His image on a daily basis.

It is different for every believer: Apart from the sanctification received at the point of salvation which is the same for all believers, higher level of sanctification differs from one believer to another. The reason for this is that sanctification at this level is defined by your work with God.


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