Saturday, July 30, 2022


The third dimension of the seven Spirits of God is the Spirit of understanding. The Spirit of understanding is the aspect of the Holy Spirit that helps us to understand the hope of our calling. Eph 1: 18-19. The Spirit of understanding give us rhema from the scripture. This aspect of the Holy Spirit gives us the ability to understand the mysteries of salvation. (Proverbs 4:7). The Spirit of understanding is God's supernatural revelation - His secret insight to His word. Understanding simply means a comprehending or a grasping of His Word. The Spirit of God illuminates our heart and gives us understanding of His Word. In other words, He " turns on the lights for us". 

Operation of the Spirit of understanding ( 1 Corinthian 2:10-11). 

For the spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.  For what man knows the things of a man, except the spirit of the man which is in him ? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God ".  

The ability to understand the Bible is something that God gives to us. Understanding is a gift from God, it is not something that we conjure within ourselves. As Christians we have the ultimate opportunity in life to ask  God to give us perfect counsel and direction. He has perfect understanding of what is best for us. The spirit of revelation and spiritual understanding go side by sides with each other. The wisdom and revelation we receive in our  spirit   come to us by the Spirit of understanding before we can know the real meaning of revelation. Revelation is what will received from God; understanding is comprehending the revelation we have received from God.  

Sunday, July 24, 2022


The second Spirit of the seven Spirits of God His the Spirit of Wisdom. The Spirit of wisdom is the operational dimension of the  of the Holy Spirit that brings the wisdom of God. He causes the wisdom of God to manifest in our life. Eph. 1: 17. 

Wisdom is generally define as the ability to apply knowledge. Wisdom is a force, it's the divine insight into the purpose of God. it's the ability to comprehend the will and purpose of God and put it to practice. Wisdom is the controlling power of reality.

wisdom is a force, is more than ability, you may have the ability to do something but refuses to do it. when the Spirit  of wisdom is at work, He revealed the purpose of God and cause you to do it. Earlier in the book of proverbs, wisdom was personified as a woman calling out in public to be heard (Proverbs 1:20-21). Solomon once again uses this metaphor, depicting wisdom as she cries out from near and far for men to head her call and listen to what she has to say. Wisdom's message is not obscured so that no one can find it. On the contrary, the basic principles of godly wisdom are so obvious that all people ought to hear and listen (Proverbs 8: 1-5) 

The operation of the Spirit of wisdom 

The Spirit of wisdom brings us revelation in the exact knowledge of God. When the Spirit of wisdom has His way in our lives, it will bring us a revelation that gives us insight into mysteries and divine revelation of whom God his. 

The Spirit of wisdom brings us light that will flood our path and illuminate our minds to have such an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension. He will also brings us counsel and direction, such that life ceases to be mysterious to us. The Spirit of wisdom is that aspect of the Holy Spirit that enable us to penetrate divine truth that prepares us to judge all things according to that truth.

The Spirit of Wisdom and revelation is not some mysterious blessing given to a special few, and it is not just the ability to speak as a prophet. Rather, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to help us as people of God to understand the things of God more fully and completely. Wisdom gives us insight into God while revelation unveils and truth about Him. Still, the more we study the Bible, the better we will know God. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him......... Isaiah 11:1-2a. 

 Just as without some essential commodities or substance such as water, oxygen etc. life on plantnet earth will be unbearable ,all believers need the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction and for survival. 

The first to be mention of  The Seven Spirits of God is the Spirit of the Lord, also know as the Spirit of LORDSHIP.

LORDSHIP here refers to dominion. This dimension of the Holy Spirit is the aspect of the Holy Spirit that comes upon us and anoint us for service. The Spirit of LORDSHIP gives us boldness and sense of dominion. He enpowers us and gives us the boldness to preach and teach the gospel and witness for Jesus. Acts 18:9.

When the Spirit of Lordship is at work, He reveal the glory of God and enable us to hear God when He speaks. "And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon my feet, and I will speak unto you. And the Spirit entered into me when He speaks and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me Ezekiel 2:1-2. Ezekiel recognized that his ability to hear what God was speaking to him was as the results of the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit acts as a middle man between us and God.  He transfer information from God and brings it to our spirits , so without the help of the Holy Spirit, we can't hear from God. He enable us to hear and understand the voice of God when He speaks.

Miracle happened by the Spirit of Lordship. Luke 4:18-19 reveal to us how Jesus was able to preach the gospel, heal the sick, set the captives free etc . The Spirit of Lordship gives us the anointing for service.

Sunday, July 3, 2022


When you hear the seven spirits of God, the first question you like to ask is, does God have seven different Spirits? Generally we all know that God is one and He has one Spirit that is the person of the Holy Spirit. If God has one spirit what about the seven spirits of God in Revelation 3:1,..........

Base on scriptural facts, seven often represent or symbolizes completion or perfection. Genesis tells us that God created the heavens and the Earth in six days and rested on the seven this shows that seven portray perfection or completion. (Gen. 1, 2:1-2). The seven spirits of God refers to the various dimension in which the Spirit of God operates. Revelation 4: 5 talks about seven golden lamps and Zech. 4:2 talks of a candlesticks that has seven different lamps burning with fire. In Zech. 3:9 the bible says " upon one stone shall be seven eyes....." 

The seven spirits of God reveals seven independent manifestation in which the Holy Spirit operates. Sometimes it is refers to the seven folds manifestation of the Holy Spirit of God in the life of a believer. The seven spirits of God is the full measure of the Holy Spirit of God.

The prophet of old were given the spirit of God in a measure , Elijah and Elisha have the spirit of Lordship, the spirit of might and the spirit of wisdom and understanding, David had the spirit of might, Ahithophel has the spirit of counsel. The Spirit of God were given to them in a measure. 

Jesus was the first to have the full measure of the Holy Spirit because the bible says in John 3: 34-45 " For he whom God hath sent speaks the words of God: for God did not give him the Spirit by measure..." This means that Jesus had full measure of the Holy Spirit of God, i.e. The fullness of the Holy Spirit was in Him. 

Isaiah 11:1-2 listed the seven operational dimension of the Holy Spirit otherwise called the seven spirit of God. They are;

  1.  The Spirit of the Lord
  2. The Spirit of wisdom
  3. The Spirit of Understanding 
  4. The Spirit of Counsel
  5. The Spirit of Might
  6. The Spirit of Knowledge 
  7. And of the fear of the Lord.

These are the 7 Dimensions of the operation of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus Christ when he walked on planet earth.

The good news is that the same Holy Spirit that was in Jesus Christ is the same Holy Spirit that's in us today. The biblical reality of us learning to come to the TRUTH of this verse and it being a spiritual reality in our lives today is what God desires for us to know. We need to understand that Jesus mentioned that we will do the very works that He did and greater works because the Father is in Him and He is on the way to the Father and He will pray that the father sends us another HELPER- The Spirit of Truth (See, John 14: 9-26).

we shall deals with each of these in subsequent post. Thank you and God bless you.

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