Sunday, April 10, 2022


In Leviticus 17:4a the Bible says "The life of every living creature is in the blood" This show that blood is an essential aspect of life. In the garden of Eden,  God told Adam not to touch the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, for the day Adam touched or eat the fruit he shall surely die. Lucifer get hold of that statement and deceived Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and that they shall not surely die. Satan deceived Eve and Eve influences Adam to eat the fruit. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and lost the dominion to rule here on earth as King. 

"And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? Genesis 3:9 — New Living Translation ". God asked Adam where he was not because He did not know where he was, but because Adam had lost the dominion God gave him. Before Adam eat the fruit, death was made deathless, i.e. death could not affect Adam. When God saw the rebellious act of the serpent, He place curses on the serpent, punished Adam and Eve and drove them out of the garden of Eden.

God did some thing mysterious to safe Adam from  death at that point in time. He killed an animal and took the skins and sow apron flowing with blood for Adam and Eve. God used the blood of animal to temporary cover the sin of Adam and Eve. The blood of animal can not takes away sin, its can't cleans sin away from the life of a man, its only cover sin for a while.'For the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins. ... For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins Hebrew 10:4' The blood of Adam was corrupt and death now have dominion over Adam and his descendant.  

When God speaks, it is eternal, it becomes an established ordinances, remember, God told Adam the day you will eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, you shall surely die.  Death now have dominion over Adam and his descendant. God in the old testament, uses the blood of animal to cover the sins of the Israelite, this is while the high priest had to present sacrifices yearly to atone for the sin of the Israelite.  

To rectify Adam's error or sin, God have to deal with death. the blood of animal can't do this, the blood in  Adam;s descendant is corrupt, so human blood can't takes away sin. God have a plan B for mankind. He had to sacrifices himself to destroy the power of death over man. God waited for the right time to established His plan. He sent angel Gabriel to Mary, immediately Mary accepted God's plan, the word of God became flesh and dwell among men. Jesus is the spoken word of God.  

Remember in Lect. 17: 4a the bible says "The life of every creature is in the blood". wait a minute, what kind of life is in the blood of Jesus? it can't be the human blood, because he was not from Adam descendant, this one of the reason why He was called the Second Adam. The life that is in the blood of Jesus contains the life of God, and God live from eternity to eternity, in fact life and eternity proceed out from God, God cannot die. When Jesus died on the cross, it was the life in the blood of Jesus that brought Him back, because the blood contains eternal life. The blood of Jesus is supernatural, the blood of Jesus contains eternity, endless life!

Thank God for what He had done to reconcile man to back to himself.  If you have not given your life to Jesus pray this simple prayer

"Lord Jesus thank you for every thing the cross cost you, now i know how precious your blood is to me. i am sorry for every sin i have ever committed since the day i was born, have mercy on me and use your blood to wash and cleans me from every sin i have ever committed. I believed with the whole of my heart. Amen !!!

congratulation !!!

you have established your identity if you just prayed the above prayer, God bless you! you can reach me through the contact in this blog, have a blissful day.  


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